Clint Eastwood heeft na het Tweede Wereldoorlog-drama Flags of Our Fathers vrijwel direct doorgepakt met een film vanuit Japans standpunt: Letters From Iwo Jima.
De eerste is al eind november gaan draaien; op Letters... moeten we nog tot april wachten. Ik wil ze beiden nog zien, maar Letters... lijkt me vooral erg boeiend. In de New York Times wordt hij goed besproken [gratis registratie verplicht] en vooral dit gedeelte trof me:
Even though the movie has a blunt, emphatic emotional force, Mr. Eastwood also shows an attention to details of speech and gesture that can only be described as delicate. He is as well acquainted as any American director (or actor) with the language of cinematic violence, but he has no equal when it comes to dramatizing the ethical and emotional consequences of brutality.
There is nothing gratuitous in this film, nothing fancy or false. There is the humor and the viciousness of men in danger; there is the cool logic of military planning and the explosive irrationality of behavior in combat; there is life and death.