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zaterdag, 8 mei 2004

Al Jolson gaf in 1927 in "The Jazz Singer" al het startschot voor raciale verkleedpartijen, later nog in vele films overgedaan. De recentste die ik me kon herinneren was Eddie Murphy als tierende Jood in "Coming To America". Fotootje - Murphy zit rechts.

Er komt er weer eentje aan, die aan de lawaaiige trailer te oordelen mogelijk nog best komisch is. Die Wayansbroers zien er in "White Chicks" overigens vooral doodeng uit als het Amerikaanse equivalent van hockeytutjes.

Vastgelogd op 22:09


Citaat van:

Not that this is directly related to "White Chicks," but does anyone remember Eddie Murphy's classic sketch from SNL several years ago involving "white face?"

For those who have never seen it, the concept is that he learns how to "talk white" by reading hundreds of Hallmark cards. He studies how whites walk, etc. Then, he is outfitted by a team of makeup artists who give him a brown wig with side part, lightened the color of his moustache, etc. He then goes out to the city, posing as white.

Scenario 1: Eddie walks into a small shop and places a newspaper on the counter. The white cashier says "What are you doing?" to which he replies "I'm buying this newspaper." The cashier then says "No, just take it. Go on, nobody's around."

Scenario 2: Eddie is on a bus. All the passengers are white, except one black man. When the man gets off the bus, the driver puts on some swing/jazz type music, a woman takes off her large trenchcoat revealing a sexy dress, and starts handing out cocktails from a small tray. She hands Eddie a drink and then sits on his lap and starts to flirt, play with his hair, etc.

Scenario 3: Eddie is at a bank. He is speaking with an employee who is black. The man says "So let me see if I have this, Mr. White (excellent pun). You have no driver's license, no social security card, no passport, and no accont history, and you want a $50,000 loan (not sure if this was the right number)?" Eddie replies "Yes, that's right." The man starts to speak: "I'm sorry sir, but there's no way I can..." At this point, a white bank employee walks by and says "Hey Carl, why don't you let me handle this one. You've been working hard, why don't you take a break?" He says "Oh thanks Frank." The white man sits down and starts to speak: "Whew, that was a close one! (picks up loan papers and throws them out) We won't be needing any of these, now will we?" (Reaches into a draw and starts pulling out stacks of dollar bills) "Hey just take what you need and pay it back whenever you're ready, or better yet, don't; we don't care! HAHAHA!" Eddie replies "What a silly negro!" and the two of them continue to laugh.

The sketch closes with Eddie in the studio where there are three or four others getting their "white" makeup put on.

This sketch is still one of my all-time favorites. I hadn't seen it in a few years, but managed to catch it a few weeks ago by chance.

Richard - 12/05/2004 om 17:54:04

Ook toevallig.. deze film komt vanavond op BBC1:

"True Identity is a comedy about a black actor named Miles Pope (Lenny Henry) who wants to play a part in Othello. After a plane ride home from a failed acting job Miles meets a producer named Leland Carver (Frank Langella) who slips out his mob identity when the plane is about to crash but after all of that the plane dos not crash. Now Miles is the only man who knows the past to this mob man. Miles gets the help of his best friend make-up artist Duane (Charles Lane-also the director) to turn him into a White man. As Miles is packing his stuff to get out of town, the hitman walks in and a struggle is in affect. Miles wins the fight and kills the hitman in an electrical fashion. Now Anthony (Andreas Katsulas-Leland Carver's top man) comes in to confirm that Miles is dead. Now Miles is mistaken as the hitman. Now Miles must assume a parade of identity's to get away from the Mob's guns hot on his trail."

Richard - 17/05/2004 om 23:08:20

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