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maandag, 24 september 2001

Local Social Network
Afgelopen zaterdagavond, temidden van online gevonden maar offline net zo eenvoudig te bezichtigen vrienden, kon ik de conclusie van dit onderzoek van harte onderstrepen: Computer Networks As Social Networks.

"The positive impact of the Internet on community ties is true for those living both nearby and far away. The proportionate gain in contact is greatest for contact with friends and relatives living at a distance, as one might expect from a system able to cross time zones at a single bound and in which there is no differentiation between short-distance and long-distance messages. Yet online as well as offline contact is highest with those living nearby [en in Nederland is *alles* dichtbij, red]. Cyberspace does not vanquish the importance of physical space. For example, many e-mail and chat messages arrange face-to-face meetings."

Vastgelogd op 12:23


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