Als het leven geen zin heeft, dan máákt het maar zin!  


  cam ß


maandag, 22 mei 2000

Deuh... ik krijg dagelijks een enorme lading spam - dat is iets waar ik inmiddels aan gewend ben. Het meeste gaat ongelezen de prullenbak in en weer een groot gedeelte wordt automatisch gefilterd. Soms glipt er iets doorheen en moet ik het alsnog individueel bekijken. Vandaag kreeg ik echter de onderstaande... euh, tja... wat is het eigenlijk? Ik plaats 't hieronder zoals ik het ontving, aan één stuk, zonder spatie of opmaak. Afkomstig van ene, onder het subject "A free vacation awaits you". Even diep ademhalen en gáán!

It should be noted that the characterization of specific criteria adds explicit performance limits to the anticipated fourth-generation equipment. To describe and annotate further, the product assurance architecture is not to be considered in determining the anticipated epistemological repercussions. As many companies contend, a completely-specified evaluation metric presents extremely interesting challenges to the evolution of specifications over a given time period. It is assumed that a descriptively adequate grammar can be defined in such a way as to impose the total system rationale. As a result, the fully integrated test program cannot be arbitrary in any discrete configuration mode. In this regard, the systematic use of complex symbols appears to correlate rather closely with possible bidirectional logical relationship approaches. Note that the characterization of critically co-optive criteria maximizes the probability of project success, yet minimizes cost and time required for a parasitic gap construction. So far, the appearance of parasitic gaps in domains relatively inaccessible to ordinary extraction cannot be arbitrary in the strong generative capacity of the theory. So far, a subset of English sentences interesting on quite independent grounds necessitates that urgent consideration be applied to any discrete configuration modality. As a resultant implication, further and associated contradictory elements is functionally equivalent and parallel to the total system rationale.

Bent u daar nog?

Vastgelogd op 09:24


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