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dinsdag, 28 maart 2000

Post van Mads
Effe in 't engels: yesterday I finally got a reply on my mail to Mads - who, shall we say, 'borrowed' my design. Here are some excerpts of his mail (my answers in bold:

From: "Mads"
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 08:14:07 +0200

Hello Lars,

I am sorry that I took so long in responding to your mail. I have been having problems with my mail system, and didn't get your e-mail until today.

First let me say that I never intended to steal your design and use it as is. I don't know how your friend found the url.. it was never posted anywhere as far as I am aware of.

Well, my friend ( found it in his referrals, so maybe you inadvertantly clicked on a link in the left menu, just long enough to register with his statistics.

But then again, nothing escapes the all-seeing, all-knowing Dutch webloggers, obviously.

When I see a nice design (which yours obviously is) sometimes I try to "steal" it.. look through the code, modify it and learn from it. But I NEVER use it for anything public. I repeat NEVER!!! I only use it for inspiration and training. I know myself how much time and effort you put into designing something new, and I would never try to benefit from something someone else spend resources on.

I am sorry about the misunderstanding. I have immediately deleted the files from my server.

The reason I was a bit upset and annoyed was that from what I could see on the altered page was that you were planning to use it as some sort of travel-journal.

Of course I couldn't tell whether or not the text was just 'filling space' or ment seriously. It's the drawback of publishing stuff on the internet, it's so easy for someone to rip your ideas that it's healthy to have a pinch of paranoia about you.

Would you please post this message on the weblog as well?


And so, dear reader, as far as I'm concerned... that's the end of that.

Vastgelogd op 11:29


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